Empowering effective collaboration, communication & camaraderie!

The most requested outcome of a teambuilding activity is fun. So all our activities allow your staff or team to be comfortable to play and relax.

But sometimes, you need more than fun.

Do you want your smaller team to work more closely? Run more effective meetings?

Our unique trust building process sessions are designed to build confidence and trust between group members so even if they are not used to working together, in a very short time most people are able to express and communicate openly and respectfully to achieve a shared purpose. These skills transfer to the work environment to collaborate more effectively in a natural way.

Do you want to increase your companies teams ability to communicate, respectfully?

No matter how well or poorly your team currently communicates, we have a programme of activity exercises that will have even the toughest teams, practising effective communication without them even realising it! We call them games but they are much more important than that.

Delivering an effective corporate teambuilding experience that brings your team and coworkers closer, bonding in the workplace is a significant aim….in a fun way!

Typical programme of our team-rebuilding programme.

Assessing the current know / trust levels
We start with a motivational anonymous interactive quiz to gauge the current “know” / “trust” levels for each group member. This is repeated at the session end to reveal how much more trusting the group became in this session.

Getting to know each other team trivia quiz
This carefully designed process allows team members to start taking small risks with each other and provided each team member remains positive and respectful it allows all team members to better trust their colleagues through these puzzling activities until all members are working closely for these problem solving teamwork tasks.

Additional session puzzle topics include:

  • Learning to organise as a team
  • Learning to be vulnerable
  • Learning to communicate through problem solving
  • Finding leaders
  • Task simulation as a cohesive and creative team

Every team is different and interacts together in different ways and our job is to help facilitate your team to collaborate more effectively. Not just for Adults and not just for meetings!

Take a 1 day challenge or the full 6 day workshop

A 1 day corporate workshop is an excellent choice, but for more detailed results and progress our full 6 day programme (1 day per month) is the robust and creative solution to get your companies coworkers collaborating and communicating effectively!  Delivering better teamwork!

Contact us to book sessions for your team. A virtual, interactive or online team building option is available.